Medical Transcription Challenges and How Your Practice Can Rise Above Them

Medical Transcription Challenges and How Your Practice Can Rise Above Them

Gone are the days when medical transcriptionists sat behind desks with headsets and foot pedals. In fact, most providers today manage their own dictation and documentation process. Technology has come so far that most medical practices have efficient transcription software to help them keep accurate records.

Common Medical Transcription Challenges

With today's technology also comes challenges. Here's a brief look at these challenges and how you can overcome them in your medical practice.

Inputting Data Mistakes

No matter the size of your medical practice, mistakes can happen at any time. As your practice grows, so does the need for accurate record-keeping. Most healthcare facilities don't employ transcriptionists for their facilities. Instead, they use electronic health records (EHR) and speech-recognition software to record their dictations.

Staff members input dictation records into the patient's health records. During busy office times, it's easy to make mistakes and input the wrong information. This results in patient privacy violations.

Technology Problems

One challenge among medical practices is keeping up with documentation. Years ago, transcriptionists would listen to provider dictations and write them into a word processing document. Now, they have efficient online software that reduces their time and speeds up production.

While this method is efficient, it's not always accurate. If the software isn't updated or the office has a network problem, you run the risk of documenting incorrect information.

Complex Documentation

Not all healthcare facilities work with same EHR systems or even use them at all. This is an issue for medical transcriptionists. Yes, most providers use speech recognition for dictation but they don't submit their documents through the same services. So, people editing the documents deal with complex issues and use more time to deal with this challenge.

How Can Your Overcome These Challenges?

Not all of these challenges should slow down your practice or transcription documentation. Making yourself aware of these challenges can help you foresee potential problems and know how to handle them.

Using An MTSO

Medical Transcription Service Organizations (MTSO) are now quite popular among medical practices. These organizations help streamline records into one system for healthcare facilities. MTSOs are aware of areas in EHR that cause mistakes. You can reduce documentation errors by using a trusted MTSO to review your data.

Keep Transcription Software Current

If you're using a transcription team, make sure they have current software. Tools such as spell checking, online resources, and speech correction can increase their efficiency. The more you provide them with documenting tools, the less time they'll spend on correcting documents themselves.

Invest In Other Efficiency Resources

One goal of medical practices is to have the provider spend more time with patients rather than documenting notes. Some facilities invest in smartphone and other mobile tools that help them dictate notes throughout the day. The notes get sent to private files that the provider reviews and signs later that day. Then those reports transfer to any EHR system used by the practice.

There will always be medical transcription challenges in your medical practice. The goal is to make yourself aware of them so you know how to best handle them.

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